Upcoming Events

Residential Mindfulness Retreat


Living in a bustling city can sometimes overwhelm us. The Jockey Club “Peace and Awareness” Mindfulness Culture in Schools Initiative (JC PandA) invites you to join our retreat. This is a precious chance to take a breather from the hustle and bustle of city life and to deepen one’s mindfulness practice. While nourishing yourself with a loving heart, you will learn to open to all possibilities in life.

Mindfulness Resources Packages Dissemination Workshop


JC PandA will organise a Dissemination Workshop, to disseminate two resources packages. Teachers and helping professionals can use these resources packages to conduct mindfulness activities. Educators and helping professionals who want to use these resources packages are welcome to join.

Mindful Monday


Mindfulness is the awareness arising from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally. It is also about compassionate acceptance of ourselves. “Mindful Monday” encourages us to start our week with various mindfulness practices such as sitting, stretching, walking, and body scan. An educational psychologist from the JC PandA will provide guided mindfulness practices in the coming Mondays. Students, staff, alumni and the general public are welcome to join any or all sessions.

Weekend Practice


‘Weekend Practice’ is an online group practice space especially designed for the graduates of eight-week mindfulness courses. Through 30 minutes of guided practice (mainly sitting meditation) in regular gatherings, we aim to deepen our practice of mindfulness in a supportive group environment.

‘Introducing Mindfulness’ Course


This course is developed by the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation and aims at offering a brief taste of mindfulness practice and theory. Participants will learn in a group setting with a particular theme each week followed by home practice that consolidates their learning.

Teach .b and Teach Paws b Courses


JC PandA will run one Teach .b course and two Teach Paws b courses in July 2024 to train mindfulness teachers.
