Implementation Plan
To develop mindfulness culture that is sustainable in Hong Kong school systems, the project has identified 9 schools with diverse traditions and religious affiliations in different districts of Hong Kong. The 9 schools include primary schools, secondary schools, and social development schools for students with emotional and behavioural difficulties.
The Jockey Club “Peace and Awareness” Mindfulness Culture in Schools Initiative (JC PandA) will work closely with the 9 schools and support them to develop mindfulness culture. After three years of hard work, the schools has become the pioneers in their districts, and will render assistance to 78 affiliated schools. The 9 schools will serve as the resources hubs to connect with the affiliated schools and schools from the nearby community, building an extensive mindfulness educators’ community in Hong Kong. This arrangement facilitates the continuous spreading of mindfulness school culture.
Project Sustainability
The project taps into the resources of the existing infrastructure of Hong Kong school systems and adopts a “train-the-trainers” approach to ensure sustainability. Through the provision of mindfulness training to school teachers, the project will empower them to integrate mindfulness into their social emotional learning curricula. The project also trains school professional helpers, which include educational psychologists, social workers, and student guidance personnel, to be mindfulness trainers. These trained school professional helpers will be qualified to offer mindfulness courses to students, teachers, and parents in the schools they serve, extending the impact beyond the completion of the project.
Public Education
Apart from promoting mindfulness culture in schools, the project also aspires to bring mindfulness to the general public to enhance mental wellness of the community. Highlight activities include 1) mindfulness gatherings, 2) workshops, 3) residential mindfulness retreat, and 4) sharing seminars. A mobile phone application, series of videos and animations, and many resources packages (including workshop manuals and mindfulness gathering packages) have been developed to improve the accessibility of mindfulness practice to the general public. Towards the end of the project, two guidebooks on building mindfulness culture in schools will be published.