HHCKLA Buddhist Chan Shi Wan Primary School

HHCKLA Buddhist Chan Shi Wan Primary School

The Department of Students’ Growth in ‘Shi Wan Family’ endeavours to promote the culture of gratitude and mindfulness through a whole-school approach. Mindfulness is engineered to our regular curriculum in the hope of reinforcing ‘preventive school-based mindfulness’. Apart from regular practices within the school, we encourage students to be aware of their minds anytime, anywhere. They can practise mindfulness on our online platform the ‘Home of Hearts’ (心靈驛站) with the aid of interdisciplinary learning materials. Meanwhile, parents are also invited to learn this from the Parents’ University. It is hoped that mindfulness can be transcended into different aspects of life.

With the generous support of the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Shi Wan Family structures mindfulness culture along a three-tier model, which is permeable, extensive and supportive. This is led by approximately 30 teaching staff members, who have completed the training. In 2019-2020, the ‘Paws b’ mindfulness course was introduced to two P.2 classes. Diversified learning materials were used to establish an immersive learning experience. This programme was well-received. According to the interviews with our students and the reflections from the ‘Home of Hearts’ (心靈驛站), 97% of them loved mindfulness training, and 91% of them acknowledged its effectiveness in facilitating recognition and acceptance of emotions.

There is a strong determination to promote spirituality education in ‘Shi Wan Family’. With the school-based mindfulness training and the efforts to promote mindfulness to the wider community, we hope positive thinking will be ingrained in our students’ mind. This paves way for leading a healthy and vibrant life.

(The above information is provided by the school.)