謙謙手記 — 一個有執行功能困難小孩的故事

名稱 謙謙手記 — 一個有執行功能困難小孩的故事
Organization SAHK
Resource Type Story Book
Target Audience Service Providers
Language Chinese
Intro 利用輕鬆有趣的繪本故事,帶出有執行功能困難孩子的心聲,讓家長及老師能從孩子的角度,了解他們經歷的困難,同時使有執行功能困難的孩子在閱讀此繪本時,能夠更有信心面對及克服困難。
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Title 初小自閉症融合生所需主要社交技巧調查報告
Organization SAHK
Resource Type Report
Target Audience Teachers, Service Providers
Language Chinese
Intro 香港耀能協會與香港教育學院合作,就初小自閉症融合生所需的主要社交技巧進行調查,以辨識自閉症融合生在校園生活面對的主要社交困難及所牽涉的社交技巧。調查結果及建議能為教育工作者提供參照資料,以調適相關訓練及課程,使服務更貼合自閉症兒童的需要。
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Title 童上學.社交樂
Organization SAHK
Resource Type Guidebook
Target Audience Teachers, Service Providers
Language Chinese
Intro 本書針對自閉症融合生最常遇到困難的社交情景,提供實用的支援小點子;同時就13個主要社交技巧提出60個訓練活動建議。適合自閉症融合生的家長及提供支援的工作人員參考。
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朋輩支援新歷程 – 支援自閉症學生的策略及實例

Title 朋輩支援新歷程 – 支援自閉症學生的策略及實例
Organization SAHK
Resource Type Case Study
Target Audience Teachers
Language Chinese
Intro 香港耀能協會獲賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,推行「賽馬會A PLUS計劃」,透過協會專業團隊與學校的協作,運用全校參與模式的介入手法,推動朋輩支援的策略,鼓勵朋輩之間的正面互動,達致彼此接納和諧相處。期望書中提出的理念和實例,能作為業界的參考資料,並有助學校營造關愛共融的文化,為朋輩支援計劃展開新歷程。
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名稱 自閉症學生校本支援服務協作實務手冊
Organization SAHK
Resource Type Guidebook
Target Audience Teachers
Language Chinese
Intro 香港耀能協會獲賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,推行「賽馬會A PLUS計劃」,透過協會專業團隊與學校的協作,運用全校參與模式的介入手法,為教育工作者、自閉症學生及其家長、朋輩,提供校本支援服務,幫助自閉症學生融入普通學校。本實務手冊能為有意推行此模式的學校及專業團隊提供指引。
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Title 《自閉症學童@普通小學.全校支援模式》個案及策略分享
Organization SAHK
Resource Type Guidebook
Target Audience Teachers
Language Chinese
Intro 結集香港耀能協會專業團隊與學校協作的經驗,與業界分享推展「全校參與」模式的融合教育。共四章,內容包括自閉症學生的特質及常在校內出現的困難、融合教育的理念、案例分及、支援策略及方法等。適合學生支援組成員參考。

Material available in particular satellite centres, please contact the organisation for information.

「聯情繫意 — 發展自閉症幼兒的社交能力」訓練錦囊

Title 「聯情繫意 — 發展自閉症幼兒的社交能力」訓練錦囊
Organization SAHK
Resource Type Training Kit
Target Audience Service providers
Language Chinese
Intro 香港耀能協會承蒙優質教育基金的資助與香港大學心理系共同研究,把聯情繫意:發展自閉症幼兒的社交能力》的介入理念於幼兒中心內實踐,並輯錄了多個真實的小組活動範例,針對具體的社交目標,展示教導方法,更圖文並茂地提供訓練錦囊,讓讀者能掌當中的要訣。

Material available in particular satellite centres, please contact the organisation for information.

Infinity Star Academy: A Storybook on Integrated Education

Title Infinity Star Academy: A Storybook on Integrated Education
Organization Heep Hong Society
Resource Type Story Book
Target Audience Teacher, Public
Language Chinese
Description As more and more children with special needs return to mainstream schools, students have more chances to interact with their peers with special needs at mainstream schools. However, do they truly understand and accept their ‘special’ schoolmates? Infinity Star Academy: A Storybook on Integrated Education is a picture book designed for normal primary school children and their parents. It tells a riveting story against a backdrop of an imaginary quasi-school environment in simple language and with colourful pictures. Guided by an educational psychologist and a social worker, children are encouraged to reflect on their own behavior and attitude from the perspective of an outsider, and gain a better understanding of dyslexia, autism and attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. The storybook also offers tips to parents and teachers on cultivating empathy in their children, helping them develop healthy interpersonal relationships, and accept their classmates who are differently abled, with an effort to create a harmonious school environment. Siu Lam, the protagonist, has recently moved to the Infinity Star. At his new school, Infinity Academy, every child is endowed with a special talent. With help from teachers and classmates, everyone can develop his or her potential. However, not everyone fits in at school. Taro is often socially isolated and teased. On a camping trip, a terrifying incident happens – Taro has gone missing! Where has he gone? How do the children at the Infinity Star Academy find him? What changes do they go through after this experience? If you want to know the rest of the story, why don’t you begin this adventure on ‘Infinity Star’ now? The publication was sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
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(Full version available in particular satellite centres, please contact the organisation for information.)

Story Book: Making Friends with Autistic Peers

Title Story Book: Making Friends with Autistic Peers
Organization Heep Hong Society
Resource Type Story Book
Target Audience Teacher, Public
Language Chinese
Description Understanding, acceptance and support by teachers and fellow students are essential for the successful integration of autistic children into ordinary schools. With this in mind, Making Friends with Autistic Peers was published to enable students in ordinary schools to have a deeper understanding of the traits and behavioral characteristics of their autistic peers in the hope that students could make friends with each other and study together under a harmonious learning environment. The book was sponsored by the Keswick Foundation, and will be distributed free to participants in relevant seminars.
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(Full version available in particular satellite centres, please contact the organisation for information.)

Workplace Stories of Autistic Youths

Title Story Book: Workplace Stories of Autistic Youths
Organization Heep Hong Society
Resource Type Case Sharing
Target Audience Public
Language Chinese
Description Just like their normal peers, autistic youths are keen to earn their living and lead an independent life. Nevertheless, owing to the absence of general understanding and acceptance of their unique mode of communication, they are confronted with great challenges of standing on their own feet. To deepen the public understanding of autistic youths and equip the latter with job skills, the ‘Pre-job Training for Autistic Youths’ projecthas been held by Heep Hong Society in partnership with MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited since 2008 to provide the youths with training and internship opportunities. Workplace Stories of Autistic Youths is a collection of workplace stories shared by the participants to deepen public understating of their characteristics, strengths and needs. Employers are welcome to contact the Hoi Fu Centre of the Society at 2777 5588 for free copies of the booklet.