Enhancing NGO’s Capability with Strategic Management, Accounting, and Governance Competency
- To facilitate NGO leaders and management teams to enhance the competitiveness of their NGOs by applying strategic management, governance and accounting knowledge to operations
Principal Investigator
- Professor Amy Lau, School of Business
- Through interactive and practical experience sharing among guest speakers and participants from the third sector, the two two-day workshops have facilitated the third sector leaders and management in:
- managing key stakeholders; establishing a mission, vision, and identifying performance objectives; performing strategic analyses; identifying strategic positioning, finding the right partner; and forming strategic alliances
- developing governance mechanisms; and designing effective financial and non-financial performance measures
In addition, the workshops also serve as a valuable networking platform to share and exchange NGO management experience and insights, to enhance the standard of good NGO practices, and to explore mutual partnership or collaboration opportunities.
- Two business cases, written by Dr Sammy Fung, focusing on the corporate governance areas of two local NGOs (the Hong Kong Blind Union and Fu Hong Society) will be published by the Asia Case Research Center (ACRC) of the Faculty of Business and Economics of HKU very soon.
- During the workshops, third sector leaders and management staff:
- learned about applying business strategies, theories, and measures into the third sector industry (knowledge exchange)
- received training manual (products)
- had an opportunity to share practical experience with guest speakers who played a role as leader, manager, or donor of various NGOs and SEs (learning)
- Wrote two business cases on governance of local NGOs (research), which used at the workshops to facilitate the understanding and application of corporate governance concepts in the third sector
Event Highlights
ExCEL3 Coordinator: Dr Wang Xiao Lu
PowerPoint Presentation 1
PowerPoint Presentation 2
PowerPoint Presentation 3