
Ms. Florence Hui, Under Secretary for Home Affairs, HKSAR Government; Mr. Leong Cheung, Executive Director, Charities and Community, The Hong Kong Jockey Club; Mr. Her Rey-Sheng, Director, Humanistic Culture Development

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Ms Margaret Coates, Principal, Margaret Coates, Consultant; Mr. Samuel Tong, Corporate Governance and Risk Management Consultant

Mr Leong Cheung, Executive Director, Charities and Community, The Hong Kong Jockey Club

王惠芬女士, 香港融樂會, 創辦人及前行政總監; 蒲錦文先生, 護苗基金, 創會董事及主席; 盧子健博士, 香港樂施會, 董事局成員及前主席

李昺偉博士, 廣州中山大學社會學及社會工作學系副教授; 陳瑜博士, 香港大學社會科學碩士(非營利管理學)副課程總監

Mr Edwin Rekosh, Lecturer in Law, Columbia University, Founder, PILnet: The Global Network for Public Interest Law

Speakers: Principal Investigators of ExCEL3 Collaborative Projects

Mr Rick Tang, Trustee and Chairman of the Grants Allocation Committee, Fu Tak Iam Foundation