With the financial support from the Charities Trust of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong is able to implement a three-year “Jockey Club Lab for Cultural Diversity Study”. This project involves both research and intervention components and is aimed at promoting social inclusion and integration of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. “School Without Borders – Inclusion Program for Primary School Students” and “School Without Borders – Inclusion Program for Secondary School Students” presented here were designed by a team from the Department of Psychology. With psychological theories and empirical evidence as framework, these programs aim to guide students to appreciate cultural diversity, to accept other ethnic groups and to build a harmonious and inclusive campus together.
It is our pleasure to share these programs with all the educators in Hong Kong. Therefore we compiled two instructor’s manuals, one for primary school teachers and one for secondary school teachers. Teachers are welcome to implement these programs in their schools. The programs can be launched in social emotional learning lessons, life education lessons, or homeroom teacher’s lessons. They can also be conducted in small groups outside the regular school hours. The primary and secondary programs each consists of five lessons, and each lesson takes about an hour. All the teaching resources, including PowerPoint slides, worksheets, homework and videos, can be downloaded from the current website. Teachers can download teaching resources of individual lesson or all lessons by clicking the links below.
Besides, for the inclusion program for primary school students, we have also designed lesson summary cards with key messages and tips on social skills for each lesson. At the back of the cards, there is a board game with messages from this program to help students consolidate what they have learnt. Students shall receive the whole set of cards (six in total) at the end of the program. They are then encouraged to piece the cards together and play the chess with classmates during free time.
School Without Borders
Inclusion Program for Primary School Students
School Without Borders
Inclusion Program for Secondary School Students
Instructor’s manual: School Without Borders –– Inclusion Program for Primary School Students