About the Conference

About the Conference

The Hong Kong ASD Conference 2021 is the signature event organised by JC A-Connect: Jockey Club Autism Support Network. The Conference aims at sharing the latest research findings, innovations in enhancing global social inclusiveness and good practices in supporting children with ASD and their families amidst complex emergencies.

This year, we will also review the collected achievements of the concerted efforts of JC A-Connect and partners. The Conference also serves as a platform for wisdom sharing and knowledge exchange among experts, professionals, educators, caregivers, and interested parties.

With “Community Engagement and Integration of Care” as its theme, this Conference will focus on discussing the good practices in enhancing the well-being of children with ASD at school and promoting community engagement and social inclusiveness for children with ASD in humanitarian emergencies. Participants will:

  • learn about the current practice in promoting inclusiveness and enhancing the well-being of students with ASD from a world-renowned expert Dr Peter Vermeulen

  • learn about the challenges faced by children with ASD or developmental delays in humanitarian emergencies and the direction in enhancing social inclusiveness internationally from a leading expert in the field, Dr Ramzi Nasir

  • learn about the preliminary research findings in the services for children with ASD and schools and the development of WHO-CST programme in Hong Kong and other regions; and

  • have opportunities to share with other stakeholders and discuss research findings, good practices, and services.

Please join us and share your expertise and experience with others who have the same passion for promoting the welfare of children with ASD.