索取共修資源套 – 親子靜觀活動系列 1-3

  • 這一系列活動可以由學校裡的老師或輔導人員主持,但他們必須對靜觀有基本認識,即修讀了八週靜觀課程(例如:.b基礎靜觀課程、靜觀減壓課程 (MBSR)、 靜觀認知治療 (MBCT))。如閣下希望索取《親子靜觀活動系列》資源套,須提供修畢八週靜觀課程的證明。
  • 學習靜觀的入門是八週課程,而靜觀導師的培訓需經年累月。帶領這些親子活動的老師或輔導人員,並非靜觀導師。
  • 賽馬會「樂天心澄」靜觀校園文化行動歡迎教育界和社福界的同工使用資源套,免費服務學生、老師、家長等。我們不希望有人利用我們發展的資源從事商業牟利活動。
  • The facilitator of the workshop can be educators or social welfare professionals who have a basic understanding of mindfulness, i.e. having completed an 8-week mindfulness course (such as .b Foundations, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), or Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)) and has received additional training in teaching mindfulness. The mindfulness teacher training includes Teach .b, Teach Paws b, Teach .b Foundations, MBCT or MBSR teacher training, etc. If you wish to obtain the resources packages on the Series of ‘Parent-Child Mindfulness Activities’, you would need to provide proof of completing an eight-week mindfulness course.
  • The basic training on mindfulness takes eight weeks, while training mindfulness teachers takes years. Please note the the facilitator of this workshop is not a mindfulness teacher.
  • Jockey Club “Peace and Awareness” Mindfulness Culture in Schools Initiative (JC PandA) welcomes educators and social welfare professionals to use the resources packages to run workshops for students, school teachers, and parents on a pro-bono basis. However, we do not wish to see anyone commercialising (in any format) the resources packages for profit-making purposes.

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八週靜觀課程 8-week Mindfulness Course

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