Application for Exemption of Chinese language enhancement course (2024-2025 academic year) IMPORTANT The Chinese language enhancement course (CSSC9001 /[CUND9002 / CUND9003]), except for BSocSc(Govt&Laws)&LLB students who should take CDDL9001 “Practical Chinese for Double Degree Law Students”, is tailored to suit specific needs of subject-disciplines, and therefore should be taken by all students regardless of their level of language proficiency as measured by public examinations. Special consideration will only be given to students who have not studied any Chinese language during their secondary education or who have not attained the requisite level of competence in the Chinese language enhancement course. Students, who have been granted an exemption, are required to take an elective course in lieu. Student with doubt on the exemption are highly encourage to submit the application before Year 3. Once the decision is made, it is final. Students without the exemption are required to take CSSC9001 / CUND9002 / CUND9003 / CDDL9001(BSocSc(Govt&Laws)&LLB only). The deadline for this form is in Monday, September 30, 2024* information required Full Name*format: Surname (In BLOCK LETTERS), Given namee.g. CHAN Tai manHKU Admission no.University no.*10 digitse.g. 3035123456HKU Email Address*Please provide your HKU emaile.g. portal@connect.hku.hkContact no.*Please provide a mobile no.JUPAS / Non-JUPAS Applicant*JUPASNon-JUPASProgramme*BAScBJBSocScBSocSc(Govt&Laws)&LLBBPsychBSWYear*IIIIIIIVVNative Language:*Please note that you might take course CUND9002 and CUND9003, which are mainly designed for Mainland Students. Local students cannot take this course. CUND9002: Mother tongue in Putonghua, and can speak Cantonese and understand Simplified Chinese, but does not write in Traditional Chinese. CUND9003: Mother tongue in Putonghua, and has zero knowledge of Cantonese. If you have studies Putonghua in secondary/high school as first language, you are required to choose CUND9002 or CUND9003. No exemption application is needed for students without eligibility. For details of the courses, click hereName and Country of your Secondary school(s):*Justification for your application* Supporting Document for Exemption Transcript / Examination results slip from the Secondary school(s)*File name format (your_uid.jpg or your_uid.pdf). File in pdf / jpg / jepg / png or gif forma t Maximum size: 2MBPublic examination results / certificate*File name format (your_uid.jpg or your_uid.pdf). File in pdf / jpg / jepg / png or gif forma t Maximum size: 2MBI understand that only non-Chinese-speaking students AND students who have not studied Chinese language during their secondary education OR who have not attained the requisite level of competence in the Chinese language may be exempted from this requirement and should take an elective course in lieu (Regulation UG5(b) of the Regulations for First Degree Curricular).I understand that I am responsible to observe all the University’s regulations for my degree curriculum in order to fulfil my graduation requirements.SubmitThis field should be left blank