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Lai Chi Wo! Village Fest

Back to Basics: Nourish the City with Joy from Villages!
Two Main Themes for Experiencing Lai Chi Wo Comprehensively


The “Lai Chi Wo! Village Fest” held on two consecutive weekends on 21, 22, 28 and 29 December 2019 is the first large-scale community co-created event in Lai Chi Wo. It has two main themes – “Hakka Culture” and “Joyful Earth”. Over a thousand participants experienced the joy of Hakka village life through activities such as Hakka folk song singing, soil moulding, exhibition guided tours, Hakka embroidered band knitting, earthen kiln cooking, mud brick making, and medicinal herb discovery. Through rediscovering the joyful nature of sustainable rural life, participants learnt about the mutually supportive relationship between urban and rural areas, and put a new lifestyle into practice based on the spirit of rural-urban sustainable symbiosis.

The Village Fest was organised by the Policy for Sustainability Lab of the Centre for Civil Society and Governance at The University of Hong Kong, co-organised by Lai Chi Wo Pui Shing Tong, and curated by “Art for All” and “On Earth” artist teams. Local artists and Lai Chi Wo villagers jointly curated a variety of creative activities for participants to experience the vibrancy of the Hakka village with their five senses. 

 ** For more event details, please view Chinese version. **

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