Social, political, and spatial transformation

Find Out More


The rise of China and its spectacular development over the last 40 years has had profound impacts on Chinese society as well as global development. China’s rapid development across all sectors requires a constant renewal of understanding of the country’s social and political structures and its relationships with the rest of the world. The transformations of China’s economy and society pose new challenges to academics and policy makers who seek to understand the changing governance and management environment, as well as a whole spectrum of emerging social and political issues, ranging from population migration to land development, from energy consumption and climate change to transportation and pollution control, and from public health to social cohesion, to name just a few.

The Faculty of Social Sciences has a strong international reputation for the quality of our research in these areas and target to realistically aspire to become the best research programmes in the world on these topics.

Research Clusters
- Contemporary China

Areas and Activities


Social Values

Political Reforms
and Institutional Changes

Inter-China Relations
within Greater China

Changing China
and the World

Spatial Transformation
and Migration of People

Greater Bay Area Research Initiative


Professor George Lin

Chair Professor of Geography and Interim Head

Department of Geography

Professor Eric Fong

Chair Professor and Head

Department of Sociology

Professor Pun Ngai

Honorary Professor

Department of Sociology

Consulting Committee

Dr. Wendy Chen

Department of Geography

Dr. Luo Hao

Department of Social Work and
Social Administration

Professor David Palmer

Department of Sociology

Professor Keith Richburg

Journalism and Media Studies Centre

Dr. Yan Xiaojun

Department of Politics and
Public Administration

Critical Mass

The Faculty of Social Sciences has enjoyed an extremely well-established tradition, an advantageous gate-way location, and a critical mass of excellent scholars of diverse disciplinary background to undertake cutting-edge research on Contemporary China


Events & Activities

Lunch Talk

Public Lecture Series


If you have any questions or need more information, please contact